Saturday, 7 December 2013

My Thoughts On: VIXX’s Voodoo Doll MV

VIXX is back, doing what they do best. Remember my last VIXX MV review, G.R.8.U? I think we only need to look at the title to know this song is nothing like G.R.8.U.

And, people, VIXX got their first music program win with this song! 1st place on Music Bank, beating SISTAR’s Hyorin. I started this review a long time ago, before I posted the kusabi album review, but my Starlight feels have now exploded and I must finish it now.

I must warn you, the video is rated 19+, and even parts of the dance was banned. Don’t worry, the MV is not so bad. Seriously, all those people saying they were scared of the MV must’ve been watching it at midnight alone in a dark room. The video is certainly a little creepy, and definitely gory, but it’s all quite tasteful. Okay, that might’ve sounded a bit weird, but I’m currently formulating torture techniques for my fantasy story, so –shrugs-

The song is pretty damn good. Very VIXX. Dance, with that strong, longing edge that I’ve quite come to expect from a good VIXX title track. Ken sings quite a bit in this, and I love his voice here. And Leo is actually a pretty good vocalist; his ad-lib in this song, anyway, was quite good.

The video starts off, and someone’s drawing on skin with a marker.

That’s alright, no? I mean, we all did it whenever we could get our hands on markers. My sister actually liked coloring her nails in–
Okay, that’s not alright.


No, no, not alright.

This is all within the first seven seconds. And then piano notes start off, just a few, just in that slow light tune they play in horror films, and this happens:

Fuck no.

Alright, I know I said I wasn’t scared, but this is just disconcerting. Not scary, but just a whole bucket of no.

We get the big theme of the MV–a voodoo doll is hanging in a tangle of wires–and now brace yourself because a stream of snapshots is gonna follow this.

I initially did not understand what this was, but I think now that super-hot stones were placed on the skin to create this pattern
I think we see later that this is Hyuk
And the master of the dolls
N! Thank goodness. Some warmth and wonder in this terrible place.

Alright, guys, I really thought I knew the VIXX guys’ faces. But it appears I am a very dumb person. I could not find Hyuk or Hongbin anywhere. We didn’t get too many clear face-shots, and if we did, I was too dumb to realize who they were.

And every VIXX song must start with Ravi talking. Is he speaking English? I cannot tell.

Ken, gorgeous Ken, with a creepy voodoo doll

…Hongbin? That eye is freaking awesome.

Then this would be my Hyuk. Oh, my gosh, I claim he’s my bias and I can’t even find him in a music video.

   And then the opening move, where Ken is lifted up and put in front of Ravi. I like that they’re wearing suits. Nowadays all K-Pop groups seem obsessed with street fashion or hip-hop style, creating some very unseemly ensembles. Nothing goes wrong with suits like these.

Ken starts singing, sounding good, looking good. I wish we’d get his voice clean, though. Y’know, without any electronica or backup singers. And then, as if he heard me, he shows me his injury.
Ouch. I don’t even wanna know what caused that.

Leo, looking all sexy and, yes, he’s not wearing a shirt under that! I find Leo very hot. Like J-Rock hot. J-Rock and K-Pop have different standards, different styles of sexy. Leo is the closest K-Pop artist to J-Rock sexy, with the exception of perhaps Jaejoong? But I don’t find Jaejoong all that sexy, so…

Yes, yes, this is Hongbin! This is only my 2nd time watching this, and I think I got it! The one with glass chips in his chest and the freaky eye is Hongbin.

Wahh he is so hot.

The chick approaches N in her torture chamber, and he reaches for her but he can’t. We go around the chamber and see she has all the VIXX guys in there, just playing with them and hurting them.
And I’m like what? You have voodoo dolls and you’re using them to hurt the boys? I’d start up a fucking harem. (Pun unintended, but whoa)

Hyuk? That must be my Hyuk~

Back to dance scene, and I love this prop and what they do with it. N looks good, and those suits look good. Love that staple-stitch pattern; totally fits the theme.

Ken starts singing again, looking good, and I see Leo has the worst of the torture:
Because he is the sexiest. Pardon me.

N is looking really, really good in this MV. I am taking way too many snapshots. I’ll be catching up to Coffee Shop like this, or at least Destiny.

Go to chorus. It’s quite upbeat and loud. The dance is amazing. Clean, thematic, well choreographed, well danced.

The song continues, and I like this one part of the dance where the others are lying on the floor and Ken is controlling their legs (like puppets, yeah?) but then:
Street fashion. Why?

The girl (who I must positively loathe, as is expected of me) starts going all freako and doing all sorts of torture to their dolls. This one:
…was the worst.

You are so gorgeous and I don’t even know who you are. I think it might be Hyuk? Or am I just fooling myself?

Have I mentioned I love Ken’s voice in this? I always liked his voice, but in this song, wow. Especially the pre-chorus, he is so good.
Leo starts the chorus, and everyone is looking so damn good, but they’re all moving around so I can’t get good shots. Damn.
And then we get that unique flavour VIXX adds to their songs– the adding of another part after the 2nd chorus. In this song, though, it’s just Ravi singing. I really like this part (as I do in every VIXX song) especially the woo~
And then, of course: “Ravi…”
Yup. It’s rap time.

And now welcome to a lot of snapshots of Ravi.

 Ravi stabs himself and ends the rap (which wasn’t my favourite, sorry) and then the most beautiful part starts up, sung by Ken. Damn it Ken, why are you so good? His beautiful voice (and Leo’s, who starts right after) causes some change:

The dolls start moving, and the boys are somehow escaping, out of their cages.

Leo goes into an awesome pull. Truth be told, Leo is not one of my main vocalists. Maybe he is good, but I feel he is not given enough chances to show off, since that’s not VIXX’s style (sad story of Daesung’s life)
Evil Chick notices they’re missing but she still has their dolls, and she gets back to her gruesome business. 

Leo does some pulls, and then Ken, and the song ends with these awesome shots:

Oh, but the video’s not over! We see the girl in the process of making another doll, this time with a completely hypnotized Hongbin.

She's actually quite pretty. Hate her

It seems she’s finally created a doll to love.

I really liked this song, and not just the video. It has the standard VIXX flair. I’m glad they won with this song (though, to be perfectly honest, On and On was better) because it really is true VIXX. Congrats boys, you deserve this and many more in the future.

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