Saturday 14 July 2012

Bands: Changing Image

Yeah, this post will be a bit about OneDirection, so if you’re a crazed fan and only wanna read about them, roll down to the big font.
So today I finally got around to watching SCANDAL’s new PV, HARUKAZE (yes, the band name and the song name are stylized like that– I am not trying to caps-lock scream at you).
It’s a good song. It’s pretty SCANDAL– rock, but with a lighter melody. You can view the PV in high def here: Of course, I had to watch it in low def, since my internet connection is so shitty. Damn you shitty connection.
Anyway, the biggest change I noticed was their visual style– their image has totally changed. Only one member of the band still has their original cut and colour (my sweetie Rina). The others are trying something new.
The new cover for HARUKAZE (aargh I hate typing in all-caps) is down there:

 Check out Rina's legs. So jealous.

And here’s an older SCANDAL single cover:

It’s pretty easy to see the difference. They’ve maintained their trademark style–the mini-skirts (wait, is Haruna wearing shorts in HARUKAZE?)–but they’ve added a more mature overtone. Those are not Japanese school uniforms anymore. It reminds me of their song Haruka (even the names are similar). The look was similar, but mature enough for you to know they’re not high-schoolers anymore. 

Which is basically what this post is about. Bands changing the image that got them their fans in the first place. Because, let’s face it, the look can be 50% of the band’s appeal. Unless you’re in a Korean boy/girl pop group, then it’s basically 110%. Even their fans know it.

SCANDAL remind me of one of my favourite bands McFly in a lot of ways. Apart from the fact that they’re both composed of four fantabulously good-looking members, playing some awesome rock music, there’s also that like SCANDAL, McFly started really young. The youngest member (our cute little Dougie) was sixteen when McFly was formed. Their first single, Five Colours in her Hair, went to #1 on the U.K. charts, making them the youngest band to reach #1– they beat the Beatles. Oh yeah.

Now if you didn’t click the Five Colours in her Hair link (I’m watching you), then you should try their video for That Girl, made around the same time. Or Obviously, also one of their first songs.
And off their new album Above the Noise, you can find That’s the Truth, and Nowhere Left to Run (they don’t have an official video for that one, but I find that vid pretty damn awesome). There’s also Party Girl, but the video for that one is rated, and is not suitable for all audiences. Mmm…

So, McFly changed not only their look, but their sound too. And this might’ve miffed a few fans– okay, more than a few, I being amongst them. What can I say? I liked the radio:ACTIVE period, when they made Lies. But I still love them, of course, and I understand why they did it. Tom, the oldest member, is married, and I cannot a twenty-seven year old drooling over a hot girl while he’s working at a petrol station (and then ruining her boyfriend’s credit card– the love between these guys is priceless XD). Harry’s engaged too. Girls may all weep over the loss of these two sexy men. 

Though we can all still fantasize *wink*

Which brings up one of my main points: OneDirection, or as they’re sometimes written, 1D. I’m not a big fan, but I have heard a few songs of theirs, and I must admit they’re adorable (my older sister’s a fan). They’ve got some nice voices, and the songs are catchy. Which is actually one of their problems. 

OneDirection if you don't know them (i.e, you've been living in a cave)

Okay, so Louie’s the oldest. He’s nineteen, right? (I don’t know… I have this disease where I think they’re all younger than me). Well, if OneDirection go well, then in five years he’s gonna twenty-four. Add on a few more, and he’s twenty-seven. And I do not see twenty-seven year olds singing songs like What Makes You Beautiful. I hate the lyrics of that song– they’re immature and just don’t sound good. When I get in a pissy mood one day, I’m so gonna tear apart that song. Along with the movies Immortal, Clash of the Titans, Avatar, and the tremendous piece of work that is Fifty Shades of Grey. 

Right, back to OneDirection. Now, I have no doubt that if they do change their style, their fans will keep loving them. Everyone by now should know the earth-shattering powers of teenage girls. They make OneDirection bigger than OneRepublic. But can OneDirection change their style so easily? Or, did they make a mistake right at the beginning, by actually falling into this style?

Let’s take a similar boy-band– The Wanted. Similar, in that they’re all British, and well, they’re all guys. They’re also pretty much in the same age-group– Nathan’s the youngest at eighteen, and Max and Tom the oldest at twenty-three (okay, so they’re not exactly the same age-group, damnit!) 

L to R: Tom (<3), Siva, Max, Jay and Nathan

Let’s compare. OneDirection’s first single:

The Wanted’s first single:

OneDirection’s most successful song (Wait, that's What Makes You Beautiful. Well, they can be forgiven; they've released only three)

The Wanted’s most successful song:

Subtle differences, I’m sure you’ll notice. The Wanted desired (I almost wrote wanted right there…) a more mature theme, and went for it right from the beginning. The problem with OneDirection, you could say, is that they’re too adorable. The image just fell onto them, and let’s now try and imagine them singing something rock-ish or with a dance beat. Kinda like watching Billy Bell krump. 

Never again. Never again put my cute Billy through that.

Breaking out of the image would be pretty hard, though they’ll have to do it one day. They’ll definitely need their fans then, and I’ve no doubt they’ll come through. 

It's kinda scary. It's actually really scary.

So ends this long music post, which actually seems rather rant-y now that I look at it. Hope you enjoy the songs I’ve put out. I’m a bit surprised my first post on music isn’t about SID, my favourite band. Still, I just felt I had to write it all down. (I stylized OneDirection properly, right? Or is it really One Direction? Random fan, please help me.)

And now some more songs I recommend from these four bands:

Shunkan Sentimental
Scandal nanka buttobase
beauTEEN!! (Damn, what is up with all these caps?)

McFly (this is gonna be hard… I know too many songs of theirs)
Star Girl
Too Close for Comfort

The Wanted

More Than This (skip the chorus, damn it!)

And I am not old! I sound old, but I am sixteen!  And this post clearly illustrates that.

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