Oh, yes it does. Yummy cookies. Yummy, yummy cookies.
Yummy |
Alright, maybe a little background would help. Let's see, for about a year and a half, I've been a J-Rock fan. A fan of Japanese rock bands, basically. Now, for a while, J-Rock has pretty much been dying in Japan-- the
huge bands (in popularity, I mean) are still very successful, but it's harder for the big-to-medium-sized ones (SID included) to get high rankings in the charts. Mainly due to inroads by... K-Pop.
Korean pop bands, made up of a few gorgeous boys or girls, are really getting popular in Japan. And their music isn't even as good as J-Rock. It's just because the bands are always made up of some really good-looking people, and the numbers are pretty catchy. In fact, among J-Rock fans, K-Pop is regularly referred to as K-Poop.
And I've always been a typical J-Rock lover. Until now.
Yes, I've fallen for the amazingly gorgeous guys in K-Pop bands. Don't judge me. I'm a teenage girl, alright? I need to fangirl continuously with my sisters, otherwise my wiring malfunctions. And... it's only two bands... I'm not a total betrayer, right?
Well, because I'm such a generous traitor, I'll be sharing some very awesome pics with y'all. Starting with... Super Junior.
Super Junior
Siwon |
Donghae |
Ryeowook |
Kyuhyun | |
Eunhyuk |
Leeteuk |
Alright, there're a lot of Super Junior members-- twelve in total. I just gave the pictures of some of my favourites. These five are the best-looking, and my favourite-- especially Kyuhyun. The first picture is Donghae-- arguably the best-looking and most popular. They also have a very attractive ex-member, Kibum.
Oh, Kibum, you shouldn't have left. Screw your acting career. |
Super Junior are one of the biggest bands, and after listening to their very catchy songs, you'll understand why:
Sorry Sorry video Sorry Sorry lyrics
Sexy, Free & Single video Sexy, Free & Single lyrics
Opera video (it's the Japanese version.)
Opera Japanese lyrics
Soohyun |
Kevin | | | | |
Kiseop | |
Eli | |
U-KISS aren't as popular as Super Junior (who are
insanely popular), but amazing all the same. They have seven members, but here are my four favourite. I especially love Kevin.
Watch him dance in Dora Dora (he's the one in that red top and those huge gold necklaces). I can honestly admit that he gives me a lady boner.
Well, that's the end of my fangirl-y post. Hope you enjoyed it. Well, with these pretty boys, who wouldn't?
And remember to check out J-Rock bands as well, just to ease my guilt.
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