Sunday 4 November 2012

Writing Thoughts: My Writing Wishlist

Hello and welcome to my first post on Writing Thoughts, just some of my own personal thoughts on writing, and how I love it and the challenges I face. A bit of a combo with my How Not to Write a Book posts, but rather on How I Write my Book.

Being a bit of a weird, ambitious person, I have a lot of goals, particularly about my writing. Some I hope to achieve, while others I basically just dream of. I am such a little girl, I love multi-coloured stuff (almost wrote shit there, before I saw what that would look like... multi-coloured shit, XD). My goals are going to be colour-coded. Here's a little key:

Things I absolutely will do is in red.
Things I hope will happen, but still have a high hope of happening, are in blue. 
And things I dream of (and I expect many of these) are in purple.

So, here goes:

Finish my damn book
It's been almost two years, and I have six pages. I keep deleting and re-writing, and it's so fucking annoying. But I will finish it. Y'know, unless I die prematurely. Hopefully that doesn't happen.

Get my damn book published
Not the self-publishing thing anybody can do, but actually have my book looked at by a real editor, and then deemed worthy of publishing. This was originally gonna be in red, but since this is more dependent on someone else and not me, it's blue.

Have someone tell me my writing's good
Well, I guess I could say I've kinda accomplished this one as I've gotten a few compliments on Wattpad, and though I've loved them, I'd really like someone from a more experienced audience to say it. Like people who've read a ton of fantasy books and still somehow liked mine.

Have a book-signing
This would be so cool. It'd mean I'd have fans, too. I mean, that's what real authors do, right? Sign books?

Get Twitter followers
On my Twitter account, that has currently one. Of course, my 'author one' would have my real name, but I'd like at least five people worldwide to actually care what I have to tweet.
(Yes. Blatant advertising. Fall prey to such easy tricks. Now)

(here come the crazies, whoo!)

Have Jennifer Armintrout say my writing's good
Maybe this is not too crazy. But this would mean a hell of a lot. Jen's awesome.

Get a movie deal
Y'know, be in the big leagues. This would also mean I got fans and readers. But this'll only matter if the next one comes true with it:

Be a part of aforementioned movie production
So that I know they don't screw anything up. They don't change my storyline, and I have to confirm every actor they hire. Yes. I am controlling like that. But I am not letting someone like Kristen Stewart play Rinna. She's supposed to be pretty, and exotic, and Kristen Stewart is neither pretty nor exotic. Never mind the bad tag she'll bring along with her. Chick's got anti-fans.

Oh, and Colin Egglesfield has to be in the movie
Because he's hot. And I've already cast him as Leo, who's based off a character in my novel. I seriously cannot imagine another guy playing him now.

Have any of the McFly boys say they like my book
They don't seem like bookworms, but hey, a girl can dream, right? Especially Tom. Not only does he seem like the biggest reader among them, but I love him the most. 

Get my book translated
I'd like people in my country to read it too, and not a lot of them know English that well. I'd also like it to be in Japanese, because...

Have Mao say he likes my book
Self-explanatory. Mao's awesome. It'd be freaking amazing if we were fans of each other. I doubt he'd as big a fan of me as I am of him, but still. Awesome.

Have George RR Martin say my writing's better than mediocre
He is an awesome writer, and for him to every say that my writing's not shitty, would mean everything. 

When I open a bank account or something, somebody looks at my name and says, "Hey, you're that writer! I read your book and liked it."
Fan! The proud side of me's taking over now. It'd mean I actually sold a couple of books, and my name's actually recognisable.

I got more. Wait, let me think of them. Well, I'll be back with them later. I never miss a chance to ramble. If you've got any writing wishes, do tell me about them. I'd really love to hear them. Blatant cry for comments

Somebody tell me I'm not crazy for wishing for these things. This is normal, right? Right?!

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